Inventing The Future

Before venturing out on the Journey of a Lifetime, it might be important to know something about your destination. We've got you covered.

Who Are We? The Golden Record 2.0

Who Are We? The Golden Record 2.0

  • Science
  • History
  • Technology
  • Culture
  • Philosophy

Alien civilizations might wonder, "What's up with these humans?" from excavating the trash we've left orbiting our planet. But what messages are we sending into space to demonstrate the best in us?

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Exploration Suits

Exploration Suits

  • Arts
  • Science
  • Engineering
  • Technology
  • Math

Wanna visit Mars? What would you wear? NASA’s suit engineers are on the job to develop materials and designs that withstand extremes of climate and gravity—a feat that Leonardo da Vinci envisioned five centuries ago.

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Can Science, Art and Technology Help Us Soar Past Our Limitations?

Can Science, Art and Technology Help Us Soar Past Our Limitations?

  • Arts
  • Science
  • Engineering
  • Technology
  • Math

Science and technology may deliver human superpowers. Will these make us better/stronger/smarter/faster?

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How the Word Can Resolve Conflict, Express Love and Bring about Healing

How the Word Can Resolve Conflict, Express Love and Bring about Healing

  • Arts
  • History
  • Writing

People assume they know what poetry is, but is it more than “I’ll know it when I read it?” Let’s start with a definition: Poetry is a way to express yourself through the lens of figurative language and an abstract view of putting words on paper.

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Dance Your Thesis

Dance Your Thesis

  • Arts
  • Science
  • Culture
  • Philosophy

If you think that writing a term paper is hard, try dancing it!

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How One "Failure" Changed the World: The Story of Kevlar

How One "Failure" Changed the World: The Story of Kevlar

  • Arts
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Culture

Stephanie Kwolek grew up loving science and sewing. She dreamed of going to medical school. Instead, she accidentally invented one of the strongest materials on Earth.

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Digging up History: from Sea to Sand to Space Archeology

Digging up History: from Sea to Sand to Space Archeology

  • Arts
  • Science
  • History
  • Technology
  • Math

New infrared images from satellites 400 miles in space now allow archeologists to see ancient sites on earth to map humanity!

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Ghost Hearts

Ghost Hearts

  • Science
  • Technology

Cardiac researcher Doris Taylor discovered a way to make hearts more accessible in the public health field through a process known as decellularization.

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