A science fair project. A fight with your BFF. A rogue kiss. And poof! You find yourself trappedin a mysterious, primitive past—without family, friends or TikTok. But the past can be a perilous place for girls with brains . . . and magic devices that reveal a phantastic—and heretical—future.
Robin Stevens Payes, author of the Edge of Yesterday time travel adventure series and its immersive, interactive learning experience, has been inspiring middle grade and young adult readers with her tales of time travel, ingenuity and how stories can change the world since 2017. She’ll share that magic with you. She offers author talks and creativity workshops for whole schools, classrooms, and other groups of tweens, teens and adults.
Robin Stevens Payes is a science writer, storyteller, and author of the teen time travel adventure series, Edge of Yesterday. Founder of EOY Media and creator of an interactive “learning through story” platform, EOY Media partners with schools and enrichment programs to offer internships, programs, classes and workshops geared to GenZ youth to learn through story: examining the past to reach for our more perfect future.