The S/Heroes Journey: Women Take the Lead
Women aren’t waiting for the handsome prince to rescue them. Moms can prepare their daughters to lead–here are 3 ideas to get you started
Women aren’t waiting for the handsome prince to rescue them. Moms can prepare their daughters to lead–here are 3 ideas to get you started
Happy Birthday Émilie the Marquise du Châtelet!December 17, 2022 Edge of Yesterday celebrates the 316th birthday of French mathematician, physicist, translator, and philosopher Émilie du Châtelet, whose contributions to Newtonian theory and mission to make scientific literature more accessible helped clear the path for modern physics. Émilie du Châtelet was born Gabrielle-Émilie Le Tonnelier de … Continue >
What if you got caught alone in a graveyard on Halloween night. . .and no one living is anywhere nearby. What could possibly go wrong? Time travel is nothing if not unpredictable. An accidental jump to the wrong year lands STEAMinista and experienced time traveler Charley Morton in prison at the Bastille. When she tries … Continue >
When I speak to groups, or in workshops, this is how I usually introduce myself. At first, I get that look, like, oh, no, here we go… But then, I invite people to imagine that we are all time travelers. Sometimes I still get the eye-roll. Until I pose this question: If you could go … Continue >
if i could only use one word to dub today the word would be bewildering if i could only use one word to sum up my mind today my mind would be blazing if i could only use one word to dub thee, world, today the world would be dis-integrating if i could only find … Continue >
Page-to-stage, canvas to screen: humanity is in the stories we share
“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” ~Albert Einstein I write science fiction. Time travel, to be specific. It’s about making stuff up for a world that doesn’t (yet) exist. In the case of … Continue >
In the prologue to Saving Time, the third book in the Edge of Yesterday series, published in 2020, the Year of the Coronavirus, I created a time capsule to comment on our extraordinary times from a time traveler’s perspective. Our own annus mirabilis (a.k.a., the Year of Wonders) doesn’t turn out to be all that … Continue >
Time travel with us as we battle Pandemic, Protest and Politics to Craft a Transformation in Learning—via MASTERY! What happens when two local companies—one steeped in technology and engineering, and the other, in social marketing and science communications—meet over a shared passion for offering local teen interns real-world work experience? They come together to build … Continue >
There’s a storm outside Earthquake, volcano, tornado Hurricane, cyclone, tsunami We’ve choked off our lungs– Forest, ocean, air The lungs of the Earth The heart of the Earth Is our beating heart There’s a storm inside Virus, coughing, choking, Wheezing, breathlessness It’s choked off our lungs— Sacs, bronchioles, cell Particles littered like shattered glass … Continue >